Fun campaign for Supercuts. Key takeaway: it’s FAST and EFFICIENT!

Also shot some fun photography with JUCO for a fresh new vibe.

For PHOTOGRAPHY, we partnered with JUCO to refresh and revitalize print and digital assets. In defining the campaign look, we evolved the brand’s color palette and constructed 3 painted backdrops for our portrait series.

We refreshed in-store posters in over 3,400 salons nationwide.

We made some display banners.

Social bits and bobs.

Who doesn’t love a good lookin coupon?

I had such a blast on set with our amazing team!

I also designed this semi-circular graphic treatment for the campaign lockup. It’s meant to frame up the haircut from the stylist’s POV behind the customer.

Made at 72andSunny LA

Sr. AD: Colleen Horne

Sr. CW: Amanda Burger

Production Design: Mike Farrell

CD: Harry Orton, Christine Call

CCO: Matt Murphy


Director: Connor Byrne

Editor: Katie Turinski

Producer: Leah Donnenberg

Music: Mean Machine

Colorist: Aubrey Woodiwiss


Photographers: JUCO (Julia Johnson & Cody Cloud)

Producers: Ali Berk, Clarissa Garrett

Retouching: Feather Creative