We turned the moment an MLS player scores a goal into the moment a discount is released on DoorDash.
For this social activation, we partnered with the Los Angeles Football Club to unlock custom DoorDash discounts based on scoring players’ jersey numbers.
We couldn’t include the highest scoring player in the promo, because he is #99 and we couldn’t afford a 99% discount. So we needed to find a creative way to include him….
When a player scored, we unlocked their discount code in real-time on social.
Fieldboards on the pitch informed fans about the promotion.
Results pending …
Made at GUT Los Angeles
ACD (art): Colleen Horne
ACD (copy): Caleb Nyberg, Caio Leska
CCOs: Ariel Abramovici, Bruno Acanfora
Account: Teddy Notari, Rachel Castro
Producers: Amber Pena, Jack Cutler
Director: Santi Dolce / Primo Content
Editor: Alejo Santos // santoscut